The Transition Team invites you to participate in an upcoming small group meeting. The purpose of these gatherings will be to further discuss issues of importance related to our ministry together and to better reflect your voice in our Ministry Site Profile (MSP). Our finalized MSP will be reviewed by pastor candidates who are looking for a church that will be a good fit for their unique leadership qualities and gifts for ministry.Â
Please click here to view the meeting locations, dates, and times and to sign-up to attend a small group meeting that works best for you.Â
We encourage you to sign up as soon as you’re able to ensure a meeting location and time that works best for you. Each gathering will be limited to 10 participants. In addition, two Transition Team members will be present at each meeting to guide the discussion and record meeting notes.
Home hosts for each gathering will provide beverages. We invite small group attendees to bring a light snack to share.
One area of discussion will relate to what we’d ideally like our next pastor to focus on during their first year of ministry and how we as a congregation will support them in those focus areas.
We’d also like to share with you some trends from The ‘Leader We Seek’ survey. Please click here to view summary charts and graphs.
With gratitude,