Time after Pentecost                                          

The church season after the 50 days of Eastertide and Pentecost Day celebrations is half of the year, yet it has no “official” name. It is called “Time after Pentecost” or “Ordinary Time” because of the numbering (ordinals) of the Sundays. It includes the distinct natural seasons of summer and fall, which have different themes emphasized. The primary color is green. This highlights the first part of Ordinary Time with themes of  growth and celebration in community, and the renewal of faith and discipleship in the ministry and teaching of Jesus. 

On Sunday we celebrate the Centennial of Native American Citizenship. On June 2, 1924, President Calvin Coolidge signed the “Indian Citizenship Act” into law. As part of this celebration, we will offer a revised version of our “Land and Water Acknowledgement:”

We acknowledge the presence of God’s people living on this land long before European
conquest. These lands and waters have sustained the Coahuiltecan, Comanche, Jumanos, Lipan, Apache, Sana, Tonkawa, and other indigenous peoples for thousands of years. Gathering to worship on ancestral homelands, we acknowledge and honor our indigenous sisters, siblings, and brothers who continue to care for the land and water and call this land home.