Thanks be to God!

Throughout Holy Week and on Easter Morning, we hosted hundreds of folks onsite and online!  I thank God for each servant at FELC who participated in welcome, leadership, and support to offer 7 worship services, 3 hospitality times, and 1 Easter Egg Hunt. My gratitude to Frank Vasquez, Tim Lincoln, Brad Fuerst, and Bob Karli who broke open the bread of the word and of the table.

And what great joy to celebrate the sacrament of holy baptism with David Francis, William Nix, and Aditi Mitra, and with families and friends on Easter Day. Let your lights so SHINE!

For photos from Holy Week and Easter Day, visit the posts on the First English Lutheran Church – Austin, Texas Facebook page.

For archived worship services and bulletins, visit 2024 Holy Week & Easter Day | First English Lutheran Church | Austin, Texas (

May you be blessed in these 50 days of Easter rejoicing. I look forward to seeing you as we worship, witness, learn, serve, and welcome together. Invite someone to join you at FELC.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! ALLELUIA! 

Cantor Bryan

Bryan Rust