On Sunday, July 21, FELC celebrated 88 years of ministry and witness in central Austin and beyond! May God’s blessing be upon, and may God’s Spirit go with, the saints of God at First English for many years to come.
Our thanks to the Rev. Robert J. Karli, fourth pastor of FELC from 1984-2007, for preaching. Our gratitude to all who made this celebration festive, including Henri and Tim Atkinson, Nancy and Randy Baden, Bailey Barlow, Claudia Barlow, Heidi Goebel, Leroy Haverlah, Lois Holck, Allen Jensen, Nancy Neuse, Desmond Peterson, Merrily and Terry Porter, and LaRu and Fred “Fritz” Woody, and our choir and other worship leaders.
Below are links to our worship, prayers, and history:
Anniversary Worship Service (on YouTube, gospel reading & sermon begin at 32:50)
Anniversary Sermon by Bob Karli
Litany of Thanksgiving & Renewal, where we renewed our commitment to God’s mission
Prayer of Thanksgiving, where we remembered saints, including from FELC
View information on our history and witness, including stories and mementos
For more photos, visit the First English Lutheran Church-Austin TX Facebook post from Tuesday, July 23.
God of all power, you called from death our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep: send us as shepherds to rescue the lost, to heal the injured, and to feed one another with knowledge and understand; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. (Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 22)
God Loves. We Love. Everyone!