Learning Ministry Survey

FELC Learning Ministry leadership (Betsy Appleton, chair, Henri Atkinson and Anne Wiebe) would like to gather more information as we plan for the future of faith formation programming at FELC. We have prepared this survey to help organize your input.  If you tried to fill out the survey and were only able to submit answers about basic demographic information, please try again. We corrected the bug reported by many would-be participants by putting the full survey on one page instead of three. The survey gathers basic demographic information, addresses how we may envision learning ministry for all generations, and finally addresses scheduling/time commitments you and your family can make to participate in Learning Ministry. Thank you so much for providing information that will shape our approach to faith formation in our FELC community.

Please fill out this survey by September 17 so your input is available when we meet to go over responses on or shortly after this date. If you have any questions please contact Betsy Appleton at either betsy.appleton@gmail.com.