Learning Ministry Prepares for Fall

Learning Ministry closed the 2023-2024 programming year with an Intergenerational Faith Formation lesson on August 18, where we learned about being in community through the story of Stone Soup. We had a rollicking good time, discovering that while absolutely no one in attendance knew how to juggle alone, we could juggle many balls as a group. We learned that working together enables us to do amazing things that none of us could have done alone. This truly has been the lesson I’ve learned through the past year of leading the Learning Ministry Team: we are learning in Community and doing amazing things together.

While Faith Formation will not be meeting on August 25, Learning Ministry is hard at work preparing for the 2024-2025 programming year, starting September 1. You can see a sneak preview of what is in store for the coming months on our Calendar. Thanks to Nikki Northcutt and Leigh Northcutt-Benson, we have a full curriculum mapped out for Children’s Faith Formation for the upcoming year, and they are working to create more robust materials to support our Children’s Faith Formation leaders. If you have been willing to teach but uncertain how to start, this is your year to try it! Contact Betsy Appleton, betsy.appleton@gmail.com.