As we welcome and celebrate the reopening of the First English Lutheran Child Development Center (FELCDC) this week (21Aug: and in thanksgiving for the Director and CDC Board’s investment of time and management) we also want to uplift the safety of our youngest friends in the CDC. We want to let everyone know that we can’t wander through the church building/campus while the Center is operating. Doors from the kitchen to the Fellowship Hall and from the Parlor to the Fellowship Hall are locked, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM. You are welcome to come to the office by way of the Parish House entrance on Whitis Avenue. While it’s always a good idea to schedule gathering space with our spiritual, worship, and administrative staff, we’re typically on site, together, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, weekly should something come up with which we can offer partnership. 512-478-1933 | Pastor: pastor@felcaustin.org | Office Manager: office@felcaustin.org | Music Director: music@felcaustin.org