FELC Caregiver’s Circle

Being an unpaid caregiver means accepting responsibility for assisting another adult with the activities of daily living, in home or at a distance. This can be very rewarding, knowing that God is enabling you to love, sometimes sacrificially.  It can also be very isolating. Even motivated by love, there can be moments of resentment and dismay. 

If you are an unpaid caregiver, we invite you to join our support ministry, the FELC Caregiver’s Circle.  We meet Monday, September 23, and every 4th Monday, 7-8:30 p.m.  Participants pledge strict confidentiality to one another, allow time for each person to share as much or as little as desired, hear about available resources, exchange ideas, and take time for prayer and meditation. 

Contact Barbara Wiederaenders (bwiederaenders@att.net) to receive the Zoom link and to learn more. All are welcome!