Council Welcome & Installation
On Sunday, February 11, we welcomed and installed the 2024 council members of FELC.
Congregation council members are sought through a discernment process by the nominating committee, which is appointed by the congregation council. Candidates are submitted by the committee to the council for approval, and they are offered to the congregation at its annual meeting in January for election as members-at-large. Members serve three year terms, unless elected or appointed to serve a shorter term due to a departure of an elected council member.
The 2024 congregation council is: Jerry Don Aguirre, Nancy Baden, Paul Barlow, Charlie Boas, Margaret Bruesch, Kristin Mondy, Nancy Neuse, Leigh Northcutt-Benson, Benjamin Rode, Mari Ward, Anne Wiebe, and LaRu Woody.
At its meeting on February 20, 2024, the Church Council elected the following officers: President: LaRu Woody, Vice President: Leigh Northcutt-Benson, Secretary: Nancy Baden, Treasurer: Allen Jensen, and Financial Secretary: Gwen Flory.
The president, vice president, secretary, and the pastor constitute the executive committee of the congregation council. The treasurer and financial secretary do not need to be members of the congregation council to serve. All these officers are elected by the council at its first meeting together in February. The council regularly meets on the third Monday of each month. These meetings are open to any congregation members or visitors.Â
We are grateful for each of these leaders, we will pray for them regularly, and we ask God’s continued blessing in their witness to the gospel. A complete list of council members’ bios will be published later this month.