Council Highlights | September 2024

At the September 16 FELC council meeting guest Andy MacLaren invited discussion on the Micah 6 ministry as their Board undergoes a regular review of their mission. He announced that Barry Smith, the Executive Director of Micah 6, will lead our Adult Faith Formation session on Sunday , October 6. 

Merrily Porter was a guest at the Council meeting to provide an update on the one-year anniversary of the re-starting of operations of our CDC. She clarified that the CDC has been serving children in the foster care system and others through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), which is consistent with the original mission of the CDC.  Reimbursements do not fully cover expenses, however. The Council approved the request of the CDC Board to have the CDC prepare a presentation which will update the congregation on critical needs they may want to be aware of.  Merrily also requested that all consider supporting Prop A on the next ballot, which could provide a better tuition reimbursement rate for those TWC families.

President Woody relayed an update on the Call Committee activities after communicating with Chair, Erin McCracken, saying they are continuing to make progress toward their goal.

Anne Wiebe thanked participants in the God’s Work. Our Hands. project at Casa Marianella on September 8. Donations were sorted, garden beds were prepped and much was learned about their ministry.  Anne reminded all that a follow-up visit will be scheduled for October to plant things in those gardens. 

Reports were received from Ministry Teams.

Council members are looking forward to the training sessions “Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Council,” led by Claudia Barlow, scheduled for the afternoons of September 22 and September 29. 

The next council meeting will be Monday, October 21.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Baden, Council Secretary