Community Madrigal Sing | Monday, February 3

Join us at the next Community Madrigal Sing at FELC on Monday February 3 at 7:00 pm, hosted by Texas Early Music Project! TEMP is a long-standing community music partner. Sing madrigals together with other early music buffs; no experience is required for this “TEMP-orary choir” – just a love of singing madrigals!  This event is pay-what-you-can, but we are requesting a suggested donation of $20 per person with a minimum entry of $10 to cover expenses. PDFs of the sheet music will be provided in advance to those who request it, but studying is NOT required – you can just show up and sing if that’s more your style! If you have any beloved madrigals that you’ve been dying to belt out in a communal setting, we’re all ears.  Email your suggestions to  (We make no promises, but we’ll see what we can do!)  And don’t forget to RSVP to secure your spot! See and hear you on Monday, February 3 at 7:00 pm.