A heartfelt Thank You to all who participated in making the annual Chicken BBQ happen! We enjoyed good food and good fellowship with congregation members and friends, CDC staff and families, and firefighters from the station across the street – over 70 in all. It wouldn’t happen without lots of hands…Firepit Crew, Chicken Schloppers, Potato Salad Assemblers, Setup, Serving Line, Clean up, Chicken Wrappers, Wood Suppliers, and Egg or Potato Boilers. Special thanks go to Tim & Henri Atkinson, Joel Baden, Adam Mayes, Charlie Boas, Ben Rode, Fran & Larry Collmann, Merrily & Terry Porter, Nancy & David Neuse, Charlotte Gillman, Trish & Bob Karli, Tessa Baden, Claudia & Paul Barlow, Bailey Barlow, Katherine Houston, Heidi Goebel, Barbara Wiederaenders, Dana & Andy MacLaren, Mari Ward, Michele Hockett-Cooper & Jesse, Anne Wiebe, Betsy Appleton & Sean Peterson, Monica Lund, Leigh Northcutt-Benson, LaRu & Fred Woody, and Teresa Ringness. Thanks also to our youngest helpers (Della Ann Baden, Betty Mayes, and Maggie Baden-VanDellen) who scrubbed in to help chop boiled eggs. A few chickens are still available in the freezer for $20/bag.
Randy and Nancy Baden
A note of thanks from Nancy Neuse:
Hats off to Randy Baden, our pit master, and his assistants Joel Baden, Adam Mays, Charlie Boas, Tim Atkinson, Bob Karli and Fritz Woody. Those birds were amazing. The sopping crew, comprised of the aforementioned, as well as Ben Rode, Sean Peterson, and Terry Porter, finished off the chicken in fine form. Has there been any better? I don’t think so.
Trish Karli and the potato salad crew (Trish, Tessa Baden May, Claudia Barlow, Bailey Barlow, and Heidi Goebel) deserve our appreciation, as do those providers of the spuds and eggs. All those hands preparing the potato salad, from the children mincing the hard boiled eggs to the adults working the potatoes and other ingredients – thank you! What a wonderful and delicious group effort.
Nancy Baden and her team, working to prepare the beans, the iced tea, the pickles and onions, the set up and the take down – we owe you a great deal. Thank you.
To the kitchen crew, both those packaging chicken to go (Dana and Andy MacLaren) and those washing dishes (Barbara Wiederaenders and Margaret Bruesch) and so many other unnamed participants, thank you!
Last but certainly not least, the fellowship that was enjoyed among each of us throughout the entire gathering. What a joy it was to be there, to interact, to enjoy some amazing food and time together. Thanks to each of you for making this happen.