Back to School Blessing | Sunday, August 18

Begin a new season of learning and growth with prayer and blessing. Students of all ages, teachers, administrators, and all care and support staff are invited during worship on Sunday, August 18 (onsite and online) to receive a blessing for a year of brave and safe learning. You may bring a memento or token (like a backpack or laptop) as a symbol of learning and growth. Open our hearts to become people with and for others.

Property Ministry Update

The FELC Property Team recently completed a number of maintenance tasks: 

Plumbers from DeMoss arrived to address the dripping faucet at the sacristy sink.  They replaced the old, frozen shut-off valves and installed a new faucet set. 

Technicians from Facilities Solutions Group stopped by to service the LED driver components in our chandelier fixtures.  This is delicate work and involves balancing on a very tall ladder!

After many months, the Narthex doors are all back in place and operational.  Closers have been installed and the restored hardware ensures that the doors are secure.   

Be sure to take a stroll past the Whitis side of the church building and check out the refreshed courtyard and west patio! 

Thanks to Gwen Flory for finishing the new paver sidewalk and maintaining the native plants along Whitis Ave. The plants are flourishing thanks to the recent rainfall and the new sprinkler system. 

Thanks to Paul Barlow, Terry Porter and Nancy and Randy Baden for power-washing and painting the railings and patio lamps along Whitis Ave. 

Learning Ministry | August 18

Thank you to Leigh Northcutt-Benson and Nikki Northcutt, who are lending their professional expertise at lesson planning to Children’s Faith Formation. They met with the Learning Ministry Team on August 11, offering resources and support for the Children’s Faith Formation Leadership. If you are interested in leading Faith Formation, check out the FAQ document, the 2024-2025 sign-up list, and contact Betsy Appleton,

Sunday, August 18, will be the last Faith Formation session for the 2023-2024 program year. All are welcome to an Intergenerational Faith Formation session, 9am – 9:45am in the FELC Parlor, led by Betsy Appleton. We hope to see you there! 

Faith Formation for the 2024 – 2025 program year will begin in September.

Caring for Street-Dependent Youth | Micah 6 Drop-in Center

On August 3,  volunteers from the FELC community provided and served a meal to youth experiencing homelessness in the UT area.  Diners at the drop-in center were treated to a picnic-inspired lunch:  chicken nuggets with a variety of dipping sauces, side dishes, buttered rolls, cut fruit, and lemon cake with whipped topping for dessert!

The crowd was on the smaller side, so the leftovers were packed up to be served the next day at  a University Baptist Church potluck event, which is open to all.   Arnold, who helps run things at the Drop-in Center, reports that many Micah 6 youth also attend this gathering, so he was  happy to have the additional food. Thanks to Anne, Marilynn, Cindy, Heidi, Kristin and Merrily for providing food, and to Merrily, Kristin and Ian for staying to serve.

A special shout out to Betsy Appleton and the faith formation kiddos for putting together a healthy rice and veggie side dish. You can be a part of this ministry by preparing food, serving the meal, and adding your prayers.  Our last meal for 2024 is August 24. Any level of participation is welcome! To learn more, contact Heidi Goebel,

Thanks to Andy Maclaren who  got the on-site clothes closet organized.  Having things sorted and labeled makes it easier for ’shoppers’ to see what’s available. If you would like to donate clothing to the Youth Drop-In Center, look for clothing donation tubs in the Narthex and near the north Sanctuary doors and check with Andy Maclaren for the current needs. 

And a heartfelt THANK YOU to several generous FELC donors who facilitated the purchase of a new washing machine for the drop-in center.  

Summer Community Madrigal Sing | Tuesday, July 30

Join Texas Early Music Project at FELC for the Summer edition of our TEMP-Oh Community Madrigal Sing on Tuesday, July 30th at 7 pm! No experience is required for this “TEMP-orary choir,” just a love of singing madrigals! Suggested donation of $10. PDFs of the sheet music will be provided in advance to those who request it, but studying is NOT required–you can show up and sing. For more info:

Austin Pride Festival & Parade | Saturday, August 10

While the world celebrates Pride in June, for scheduling issues, Austin moves its Pride celebration to mid-August. Join Austin area Reconciling in Christ Lutheran congregations to celebrate and advocate for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity of LGBTQIA+ people by marching in the Austin PRIDE Parade or volunteering at our Festival booth throughout the day on Saturday, August 10. 

The Austin Pride Parade begins in downtown Austin on Saturday, August 10 at 8 pm. Click here for details and registration information. Please register for either or both events so that we can plan and give more specific information.  To learn more, contact Leigh Northcutt-Benson,


Joyful 88th! Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday, July 21, FELC celebrated 88 years of ministry and witness in central Austin and beyond! May God’s blessing be upon, and may God’s Spirit go with, the saints of God at First English for many years to come.

Our thanks to the Rev. Robert J. Karli, fourth pastor of FELC from 1984-2007, for preaching. Our gratitude to all who made this celebration festive, including Henri and Tim Atkinson, Nancy and Randy Baden, Bailey Barlow, Claudia Barlow, Heidi Goebel, Leroy Haverlah, Lois Holck, Allen Jensen, Nancy Neuse, Desmond Peterson, Merrily and Terry Porter, and LaRu and Fred “Fritz” Woody, and our choir and other worship leaders.

Below are links to our worship, prayers, and history:

Anniversary Worship Service (on YouTube, gospel reading & sermon begin at 32:50)

Anniversary Worship Bulletin

Anniversary Sermon by Bob Karli

Litany of Thanksgiving & Renewal, where we renewed our commitment to God’s mission

Prayer of Thanksgiving, where we remembered saints, including from FELC

View information on our history and witness, including stories and mementos

For more photos, visit the First English Lutheran Church-Austin TX Facebook post from Tuesday, July 23.

God of all power, you called from death our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep: send us as shepherds to rescue the lost, to heal the injured, and to feed one another with knowledge and understand; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. (Lutheran Book of Worship, p. 22)

God Loves. We Love. Everyone!