Generosity Impact | September LuMin, a 2024 Benevolence Partner

The LuMin students, board, and I are deeply grateful for the partnership we enjoy with MY home congregation: First English Lutheran Church. I cannot tell you how much it means for me to know you’re including in your intercessory prayers, YOUR Lutheran campus ministry at UT – and that’s even on the Sundays when I and our kids aren’t there! It’s like you really, really support what God is doing in and through us at 2100 San Antonio St.

And you show up, too. We’re grateful whenever you come to help us serve a mass of hungry Longhorn humanity for a Tailgate Tuesday. You know this massive outpouring of Christ’s love through a hamburger doesn’t just magically happen. It happens because you take seriously – beyond the month of September – that feeding hungry college students is God’s work, our hands.

Whenever you include LuMin in your giving and in your serving, you are supporting a Reconciling in Christ Campus Ministry that welcomes all – not just with our lips – but with our hearts, with our Sunday offerings, with our presence, and with our advocacy in the halls of power here in Austin.

So yes! Thank you, indeed, First English Lutheran Church! Thank you for financial gifts, your gifts of presence, and your gift of prayer.

Pr. Brad Fuerst


National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools | September 30

The ELCA “Truth & Healing Movement” (Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations) encourages participation in National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools. As a Church, we are committed to understanding our role in the tragic and sinful history of Indian boarding schools so that we can journey towards healing together. You are encouraged to wear an orange shirt, scarf, and/or raise an orange flag and post a photo on social media.

On Sunday, September 29 FELC ushers will have small, symbolic orange tee-shirt pins for all who want to display support for the thousands of Indigenous Children of North America who were removed from their homes, incarcerated in boarding schools, stripped of their cultural identities, and often physically abused.

During Adult Formation on Sunday, September 29, Frederick “Fritz” Woody will lead a discussion of Indian Boarding Schools, repatriation of buried remains, and bills in Congress to form a “Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies”.

Transition Ministry/Call Committee Update

The Southwestern Texas Synod is working on connecting FELC with additional pastor candidates. When candidates prayerfully accept to enter into conversation with FELC, Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt sends those names to the Call Committee. Last week, the Call Committee met with a new candidate and will be setting up a follow-up interview with this candidate soon. We are grateful for your prayers as this Spirit-led work continues to unfold. For questions about the call process, contact the Call Committee:

FELC Caregiver’s Circle

Being an unpaid caregiver means accepting responsibility for assisting another adult with the activities of daily living, in home or at a distance. This can be very rewarding, knowing that God is enabling you to love, sometimes sacrificially.  It can also be very isolating. Even motivated by love, there can be moments of resentment and dismay. 

If you are an unpaid caregiver, we invite you to join our support ministry, the FELC Caregiver’s Circle.  We meet Monday, September 23, and every 4th Monday, 7-8:30 p.m.  Participants pledge strict confidentiality to one another, allow time for each person to share as much or as little as desired, hear about available resources, exchange ideas, and take time for prayer and meditation. 

Contact Barbara Wiederaenders ( to receive the Zoom link and to learn more. All are welcome!

Austin Cantorum Concert | Saturday, September 21, 7pm

Join our music partner, Austin Cantorum, and storytellers from Testify, for an evening of grown-up bedtime stories and music on Saturday, September 21 at 7pm at FELC. Through powerful real-life experiences and curated choral music, we’re sharing stories about stories and how they impact our lives for the better. We’re also holding a book drive as part of the event to benefit the Women’s Storybook Project of Texas: bring your favorite new children’s storybooks to donate to families in need. Featuring choral selections from Craig Hella Johnson, Tara Mack, Eric Whitacre, Aimee Jensen, and more!  Free admission with suggested donation of $25. Please note: some content may not be suitable for small children. For more information, visit:

Learning Ministry | September 22

Thank you to Leigh Northcutt-Benson and Pastor Bob Karli for their leadership on Sunday, September 15. Children’s Faith Formation learned about Peter’s Faith and Adult Faith Formation began the three-part series, Prepare to Die! Funeral Planning and Making Final Arrangements.

On Sunday, September 22, Nancy Baden will be leading Children’s Faith Formation on the subject, “Who is the Greatest?” at 9:00 am in the FELC Library. Pastor Brad Fuerst will be leading Adult Faith Formation in a discussion of the recently published book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness, at 9:00 am in the FELC Parlor. Please join us!

Council Highlights | September 2024

At the September 16 FELC council meeting guest Andy MacLaren invited discussion on the Micah 6 ministry as their Board undergoes a regular review of their mission. He announced that Barry Smith, the Executive Director of Micah 6, will lead our Adult Faith Formation session on Sunday , October 6. 

Merrily Porter was a guest at the Council meeting to provide an update on the one-year anniversary of the re-starting of operations of our CDC. She clarified that the CDC has been serving children in the foster care system and others through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), which is consistent with the original mission of the CDC.  Reimbursements do not fully cover expenses, however. The Council approved the request of the CDC Board to have the CDC prepare a presentation which will update the congregation on critical needs they may want to be aware of.  Merrily also requested that all consider supporting Prop A on the next ballot, which could provide a better tuition reimbursement rate for those TWC families.

President Woody relayed an update on the Call Committee activities after communicating with Chair, Erin McCracken, saying they are continuing to make progress toward their goal.

Anne Wiebe thanked participants in the God’s Work. Our Hands. project at Casa Marianella on September 8. Donations were sorted, garden beds were prepped and much was learned about their ministry.  Anne reminded all that a follow-up visit will be scheduled for October to plant things in those gardens. 

Reports were received from Ministry Teams.

Council members are looking forward to the training sessions “Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Council,” led by Claudia Barlow, scheduled for the afternoons of September 22 and September 29. 

The next council meeting will be Monday, October 21.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Baden, Council Secretary

Encouraging Texas Voters

The FELC Racial Justice Action Team invites you to join us during Hospitality after worship beginning Sunday, September 15, to address postcards to new and inactive voters. The message on the postcard is non-partisan. It just encourages people to VOTE! We will provide postcards, pens, stamps, and addresses. In the previous two elections we have written 300 postcards that are mailed two weeks before the election! 

We will meet each Sunday until our 300 are ready for mailing. Donations toward the high cost of postage would be appreciated. It’s an enjoyable time to spend together doing something really important for our country. Hope to see you there!

God’s Work. Our Hands. Thank you!

On Sunday, September 8, 17 FELC members and friends gathered at Casa Marianella, a local non-profit which helps immigrants resettle in the US, for the ELCA’s annual service day, God’s Work. Our Hands. The group brought and sorted donations to help refugees get on their feet and cleaned out several flower beds.  Jennifer Long, Casa’s executive director, shared the organization’s history, educated the group about the realities of refugees coming to the US, and introduced current residents and alumni who frequently visit the East Austin location.  Thanks to everyone who participated in God’s Work. Our Hands. this year!