FELC Director of Music & Office Administrator Bryan Rust will be on a sabbatical this fall. Bryan’s last Sunday in worship is October 17, and he’ll return to worship on Sunday, January 9, 2022. Please join us on October 17 online or in person for a sending blessing. To read details, please visit this link for a letter from Pastor Coffey: September 20 2021 (felcaustin.org)
Adult Forum: Returning from Pandemic Exile
What We Lost, What We Learned, What We Long For
In Person in the Parlor & on Community Zoom:
Sunday, October 17 at 9:00 am
The Covid-19 pandemic has been an experience of exile from community, church, and normal daily life. Many have experienced loss, trauma, and anxiety. Returning from this kind of exile (even as we are still going through the pandemic) needs time, prayer, and thoughtfulness to process what we have lost, what we have learned, and what we long for now. Pastor Coffey leads participants through a process of exploring what this pandemic has meant for us.
For more information about the adult forum, including powerpoint presentations, click here: