Council Highlights | October 2024

The FELC Church Council met October 21, 2024. Betsy Appleton and Joe Cain joined us as guests. Betsy advocated for our CDC center as a parent whose children have benefited from attending. Joe led the council through our Draft Budget Report for FELC and discussed shared expenses between our church and our CDC. The executive team rolled out our new FELC Organization Chart to the council for feedback and questions. Nancy Neuse was appointed Chair of our Nominating Committee as we continue to strive to build capacity in our council leadership for the upcoming year.

The next meeting of the council will be November 18, 2024.

Home Is Here: A Concert for Casa Marianella | Dec. 9

ACL Live at the Moody Theater. Since 1986, Austin’s Casa Marianella has been a place of refuge for men, women, and children seeking asylum in the U.S. The show will include performances by Patty Griffin, Adrian Quesada, Britt Daniel from Spoon, Fastball, Money Chicha, Tekle Mezghebe and more. Funds raised will contribute to a NEW shelter for women and children in 2025. Purchase your concert tickets here:

Prayer for the Election

On Monday evening, November 4, we gathered for a time of prayer, music, scripture, poetry, reflection, and connection. We centered ourselves in the themes of community, humility, and peace.

The link to the service is online here. The link to the worship bulletin is here.

Holy One, where hearts are fearful and constricted, grant courage and hope. Where anxiety is infectious and widening, grant peace and reassurance. Where impossibilities close every door and window, grant imagination and resistance. Where distrust twists our thinking, grant humility and illumination. Where spirits are daunted and weakened, grant soaring wings and strengthened dreams. Holy One, you are the fullness of all love: today, tomorrow, and forever. Amen.

We commend our nation to God’s loving care.

Fall Fest 2024

On a beautiful, breezy, Sunday evening, 50 or so neighbors, members, & friends gathered at FELC for our Fall Festival. We celebrated our community of faith: past, present, & those yet to come. We enjoyed brats, schnitzel, & many trimmings & desserts prepared by folks. And, this year, there were a variety of potato salad recipes to try! Our great thanks to Herr Randy Baden (and Herr Terry Porter) for coordinating & welcoming us – and to all the hands & feet that served. Das leben ist gut! La vida es buena!

FELC Fall Festival

Sunday November 3, 6-8pm

The FELC Fall Fest returns on Sunday, November 3, 6pm in the FELC parking lot & fellowship hall. We’ll celebrate the fall, our founding heritages, & our community of faith. The cooks will provide brats with brotchen & schnitzel.  We’ll also enjoy the sides that you choose to bring! A Karlihaus Brew will also be on site; feel free to bring your favorite beverage.  Contact Randy Baden ( to let him know you’ll be there and what sides you’d like to bring.  It will be helpful to have a head-count for purchasing purposes.  See you then!