Gaudete Sunday: December 17

Giving in the Holy Land

Gaudete Sunday provides a break in a season of waiting, showing the nearness of the Lord’s coming. This day for the third Sunday of Advent takes its name from the scriptures and the Latin word Gaudete (“Rejoice”), the first word of the ancient opening song from 476 CE.

The spirit of the liturgy throughout Advent is one of reflection and preparation for the coming of Christ. Call it pink — or, more fittingly, rose — a traditional color on this Gaudete Sunday shows a glimpse of the joy that awaits us. The penitential nature in Advent is somewhat suspended on Gaudete Sunday, as it were, to emphasize the gladness in the promised coming of the Holy One.

As we live in joy in this season, we are also called into the full reality of our world. Today, many places and families experience conflict and violence. And this year, people in Gaza and the West Bank live this most dramatically. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us pray and work for justice and lasting peace in the land of the nativity. 

We invite you to live in solidarity with the people in the Holy Land to put your prayers for peace into action through giving directly to Lutheran World Federation. Ways to donate are at this link: Jerusalem | The Lutheran World Federation  

Visit this link for more information and resources: Resources for the Crisis in the Holy Land – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (

 “Joy to the world…let earth receive her king.”photo: HOPE, a painting by Palestinian artist, Sliman Mansour, used as a guided meditation during the tIme of prayer during Advent worship at FELC.

Angel Tree Christmas Gifts for Upbring

Upbring is spreading Christmas cheer to over 400 Texas children through Angel Tree! We want children in our care to experience the joy and magic of Christmas morning, but we need Santa’s helper—we need you! 

Virtual Angel Tree
Nov. 1, 2023 – Dec. 8, 2023

Three Ways You Can Make a Difference!

Sponsor a Christmas Gift!

Your donation allows Upbring to purchase Christmas gifts for children and supports our programs and services year-round. 

Let’s Go Christmas Shopping!

Select a child’s wish list from our virtual Angel Tree and purchase a gift from their list. We will wrap and deliver the gift directly to the child. 

Wrap donated Christmas gifts!

We need volunteers on two days. Gift wrap location is Upbring Corporate Offices, 8305 Cross Park Dr., Austin, TX 78754.

Volunteer on November 29, 2023

Volunteer on December 12, 2023

All funds raised will support the children and families we serve through our life-changing programs including Foster In Texas (FIT), New Life Children’s Center, BeREAL, and Early Head Start (Bexar County). 

Thank you for your compassion!

P.S. Share this with your friends and colleagues, and let’s ring in the Christmas spirit for these children in need!

Eagle Pass

Dear First English,

Greetings! I am writing to share the impact of your generous donation to Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries and to ask you to give again in support of this amazing work.

This message from Emma Espino, the Mission Developer of Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries, illustrates the impact your giving has made in this last year:

“Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries and Iglesia Luterana San Lucas appreciate your prayers, immersion group visits, and financial support. With your donations, we’ve been able to address the most urgent needs of our migrant siblings by:

  1. Offering spiritual sustenance through prayer and gospel reflections
  2. Providing water, food, clothing, shoes, and backpacks to migrants walking the streets and those staying in partner shelters in Mexico and Eagle Pass who each serve over 300 people daily

The donations you made in our appeal also made it possible for us to purchase a new van crucial for transporting migrants to shelter, clinics, and bus terminals; delivering needed supplies to our ministry partners; and picking up food and clothes donations that allow us to stretch the impact of your support and further tend to the needs of those migrating.

With your financial support, our capacity to engage in advocacy has grown. We visited the capital multiple times during the regular legislative session to give testimony in opposition to HB7 and HB20.

We demonstrated against the use of a city park for Operation Lone Star. With new local partners, we are creating awareness about the human toll of current immigration policy by organizing monthly prayer vigils honoring lives lost in the Rio Grande river. We also received trainings as human rights promoters and have been advocating for fair laws benefiting migrants.

Without your generosity, we couldn’t sustain our ministry. Just as Jesus once fed over five thousand people (cf. Matthew 14:13-21), today, He continues to multiply through all of us, feeding His most vulnerable people. Paz y bien, Emma”

We are incredibly blessed by Emma’s servant leadership and to have such generous donors that make the work of Eagle Pass Frontera Ministry, in all its dimensions, possible. Together, we are making Christ’s love known in tangible ways on the border. I hope you will consider giving another gift this year, or become a regular giver to this vital ministry. Online gifts can be made at Give Now ( Checks can be mailed to Southwestern Texas Synod, 1090 Oestreich Dr. Seguin, TX 78155. Please put “Eagle Pass Frontera Ministries” in the memo line.


Bishop Sue Briner

Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA

Care Ministry

Our next care ministry meeting is this Sunday, December 3rd, at 11:30 in the church parlor. Pastor J will lead us in discussion about grief care based on his extensive experience as a death doula and crisis counselor. All are welcome to attend.

Ginna Franke Interred

On Saturday, November 18, we interred the remains of Virgina (Ginna) Mollan Franke (May 9, 1925-June 5, 2023) in the Chapel of the Saints Columbarium. Ginna’s memorial service was celebrated at FELC on June 19, 2023. Close family and friends gathered for committal service as we commended Ginna to the everlasting love and tender mercy of God. Ginna and Merle Franke (third pastor of FELC) encouraged the building of our columbarium many years ago. We are grateful for the faithful witness of Ginna and Merle, in the life of this church, the whole church, and throughout the world. The Rev. Kris Franke Hill officiated at the committal service. All of us go down to the dust, yet even at the grave we make our song: Alleluia!

News From the CDC Board of Directors

The FELCDC Board is pleased to announce Cat Holness as the interim director of the child development center.  Cat has most recently served as assistant director at another center and in the same role here at FELCDC.  We are grateful for Cat’s willingness to step into this leadership role and we are grateful for our teachers who are the foundation of our center. 

There will be no changes to the day-to-day operations of the center.  We will continue to serve our current families and to seek to increase enrollment as we begin to search for a new permanent director.  Thank you for your continued support through prayer and encouragement.   For any questions please email the FELCDC Board of Directors.

Thank You Women’s Choir

Our gratitude for all who joined in a newly formed choir and offered music on November 12. Friends, regular visitors, church members, former church members, and community members are invited to gather for several rehearsals and then sing four or five times a year. For more information and to participate, contact Bryan Rust at

Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

Friday, December 8, 2023 at 7:30 PM

First offered at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, in 1918, the Christmas Eve Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols has become a mainstay of the Advent and Christmas season. In this re-enactment, Artistic Director (and former director of music at First English) Donald Meineke, organist Chris Oelkers, and 16-voice Ensemble VIII will join forces to offer this celebrated tradition to Greater Austin. The singers will read the traditional lessons interspersed by carols performed by the choir. The audience will be invited to sing along to some of the most beloved and familiar carols. Plan now to join Ensemble VIII for this memorable event on December 8 at 7:30 PM at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, 606 W 15th St., Austin. Tickets: $30 general, $25 seniors, $5 students. For more information, visit: Buy tickets – Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols – St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Fri Dec 8, 2023 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM (

30th Annual Austin Powwow

November is “Native American Month”

Explore Cultural Traditions:

30th Annual Austin Pow Wow

When: Saturday, November 18

9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Where: Travis County Expo Center, 7311 Decker Lane 78724

Dancers!  Drumming!  Native Marketplace & Food Court

 Admission: $10 cash at gate; kids under 12 Free
