Please click here for the 2024 Annual Meeting Highlights.
To view the 2024 Annual Meeting packet please click here.
First English Lutheran Church | Austin, Texas
God Loves. We Love. Everyone!
Please click here for the 2024 Annual Meeting Highlights.
To view the 2024 Annual Meeting packet please click here.
Febuary is African-American History Month. Many significant events in African-American history occurred in the month of February. Each week of this month we will share historical information for each date. The source for this information is here.
On February 9:
Feb. 9, 1944 – Novelist Alice Walker was born in Eatonton, Ga.
Feb. 9, 1952 – Author Ralph Ellison’s novel Invisible Man wins the National Book Award.
Feb. 9, 1971 – Leroy “Satchel” Paige is inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Feb. 9, 1995 – Bernard Harris, African-American astronaut, takes space walk.
On February 10:
Feb 10, 1927 – Leontyne Price, who became an internationally acclaimed opera singer, was born in Laurel, Miss.
Feb. 10, 1964 – After 12 days of debate and voting on 125 amendments, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by a vote of 290-130.
Feb. 10, 1966 – Economist Andrew Brimer is appointed to the Federal Reserve Board.
On February 11:
Feb. 11, 1961 – Robert Weaver sworn in as administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, highest federal post to date by a black American.
Feb. 11, 1976 – Clifford Alexander Jr. confirmed as the first black secretary of the United States Army.
Feb. 11, 1990 – Nelson Mandela is released from a South African prison after being detained for 27 years as political prisoner.
Feb. 12, 1865 – Henry Highland Garnet, first black to speak in the Capitol, delivered memorial sermon on the abolition of slavery at services in the House of Representatives.
Feb. 12, 1909 – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded. The call for the organizational meeting was issued on 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth by 47 whites and six blacks.
Feb. 12, 1948 – First Lt. Nancy C. Leftneant became the first black accepted in the regular Army Nursing Corps.
On February 13:
Feb. 13, 1923 – The first black professional basketball team, “The Renaissance,” was organized.
Feb. 13, 1957 – Southern Christian Leadership Conference organized at New Orleans meeting with Martin Luther King Jr. as president.
Feb 13, 1970 – The New York Stock Exchange admits its first black member, Joseph Searles.
On February 14:
Feb. 14, 1817 – Frederick Douglass, “The Great Emancipator,” is born.
Feb. 14, 1867 – Morehouse College organized in Augusta, Ga. The institution was later moved to Atlanta. New registration law in Tennessee abolished racial distinctions in voting.
Feb. 14, 1936 – National Negro Congress organized at Chicago meeting attended by 817 delegates representing more than 500 organizations.
On February 15:
Feb. 15, 1848 – Sarah Roberts barred from white school in Boston. Her father, Benjamin Roberts, filed the first school integration suit on her behalf.
Feb. 15, 1851 – Black abolitionists invaded a Boston courtroom and rescued a fugitive slave.
Feb. 15, 1968 – Henry Lewis becomes the first black to lead a symphony orchestra in the United States.
The Transition Team is continuing our work! One trend that emerged through some survey data is a desire to gather together for a bit more in-person discussion. The Transition Team is in the process of coordinating a handful of in-home small group discussions to take place during the last two weeks of February. Once all gathering locations, dates, and times are confirmed we will provide you with a way to sign up for a small group location that is convenient for you. These discussion groups will help to further reflect your voice in our Ministry Site Profile (MSP), so we hope you will plan to join one of the discussion groups near you! In the meantime, the Transition Team continues to move forward with drafting our responses to the MSP questions. We will have our next team meeting this Sunday, February 11th. As always, feel free to reach out to us individually or at:
With gratitude,
Our very own Paula Limberg, playing the French Horn, will appear in concert this Saturday, February 10, 2024 at Westover Hills Church of Christ at 7:30 pm. The link below provides ticket information, as well as information about the Central Texas Medical Orchestra with whom Paula will be performing.
May all of us who are able turn out to support the Central Texas Medical Orchestra and Paula.
The Central Texas Medical Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Robert Radmer will perform a concert to support Remember the River
Doug Omundson, Tube
Susan McDonald will close out the concert with several of her classical guitar pieces with the Orchestra.
Info about the orchestra: The Central Texas Medical Orchestra presents concerts several times each year to support health-related nonprofit organizations. The all-volunteer orchestra is composed of Doctors, Nurses, Allied Health Professionals and other Austin Classical Musicians.
Each concert is headlined by a nationally or internationally renowned professional Soloist. In addition, each concert closes with Special Guests Artists from the Pop, Opera, Country-Western or Folk genres performing several of their songs with a full orchestra backing – often for the first time!
We can’t wait for Fastnacht! Tuesday night before Lent begins, we have a “night before fasting” or Fastnacht, to celebrate!
Everyone is invited to gather in the Fellowship Hall for the Pancake Supper at 6:00 PM, followed at 7:00 by the always-wonderful Talent Show! For the Pancake Supper, we will be serving delicious pancakes including a gluten-free/vegan pancake option, sausages including vegan sausage, and aebleskiver as well!
For the Talent Show — we invite YOU to share your talent with all of us! We’ve had stand-up comedy, instrumental music, skits, magic acts, songs, recitations and demonstrations of all kinds by people of all ages– we would love to see you perform in any way you like! Silliness is NOT required but is very much appreciated!
Contact Anne Wiebe at, to sign up for the Talent Show, to volunteer to help with cooking, or for further information. See you there!
Noon & 7:00 PM
Noon – at the church building | 7:00 PM – at the church building and online
The season of Lent begins with this solemn day of repentance and receiving ashes as a sign of mortality and humility. We are invited to begin the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, almsgiving – works of love.
This year, the Noon liturgy includes the imposition of ashes and is abbreviated. The Noon liturgy will not be a communion liturgy.
The 7:00 pm liturgy includes confession and individual absolution, imposition of ashes, and holy communion. The evening liturgy will be livestreamed on YouTube.
Returning to God’s mercy and grace, we make our way through Lent toward the joy of Easter.
Hello from the Transition Team! As Allen mentioned at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, we had a lengthy meeting last week where we talked through recent events, began to analyze survey data trends, and reaffirmed our working plan going forward to complete the Ministry Site Profile (MSP). Our team will continue meeting regularly as we work to finish up the MSP which we aim to bring to the Council for review this spring. One trend that emerged through some survey data is a desire to gather together for a bit more in-person discussion. The Transition Team will be setting up a number of in-home small group discussions throughout the city in the coming weeks. These discussion groups will help to further reflect your voice in our Ministry Site Profile, so we hope you will plan to join one of the discussion groups near you! Stay tuned for more detailed information about when and where these small groups will take place. The Transition Team’s next meeting is planned for February 11th. As always, please feel free to reach out to us individually or at:
With gratitude,
FELC Transition Team
Febuary is African-American History Month. Many significant events in African-American history occurred in the month of February. Each week of this month we will share historical information for each date. The source for this information is here.
On February 1:
Feb. 1, 1865 – The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which abolished slavery, was adopted by the 38th Congress..
Feb. 1, 1902 – Langston Hughes, a famous poet, was born this day in Joplin, Mo.
Feb. 1, 1926 – What is now known as Black History Month was first celebrated on this date as Negro History Week by Carter G.
Woodson. It became a month long celebration in 1976.
On February 2:
Feb. 2, 1862 – District of Columbia abolishes slavery.
Feb. 2, 1914 – Ernest Just, genetic biologist, wins the Spingarn Medal. He received this same medal on this day in 1915 for his pioneering in cell division and fertilization.
Feb. 2, 1948 – President Truman sent Congress a special message urging the adoption of a Civil Rights program, including the creation of a fair employment
practices commission.
On February 3:
Feb. 3, 1903 – Jack Johnson wins the Negro Heavyweight title.
Feb. 3, 1920 – The Negro Baseball League is founded.
Feb. 3, 1965 – Geraldine McCullough, sculptor, wins the Widener Gold Medal Award.
On February 4:
Feb. 4, 1913 – Rosa Parks (born Rosa Louise McCauley) was born on this day.
Feb. 4, 1971 – National Guard mobilized to quell rioting in Wilmington, N.C. Two persons killed.
Feb. 4, 1996 – J. C. Watts becomes the first Black selected to respond to a State of the Union Address.
On February 5:
Feb. 5, 1866 – Congressman Thaddeus Stevens offered an amendment to Freedmen’s Bureau Bill authorizing the distribution of public land and confiscated land to freedmen and loyal refugees in 40-acre lots.
Feb. 5, 1958 – Clifton R. Wharton Sr. confirmed as minister to Rumania. This career diplomat was the first Black to head a U.S. embassy in Europe.
Feb. 5, 1962 – Suit seeking to bar Englewood, N.J., from maintaining “racial segregated” elementary schools filed in U.S. District Court.
On February 6:
Feb. 6, 1820 – “Mayflower of Liberia” sailed from New York City with eighty six Blacks. Black population: 1,771,656 (18.4%)
Feb. 6, 1993 – Arthur Ashe dies. First African American tennis player to win at Wimbledon.
Feb. 6, 1867 – Robert Tanner Jackson becomes first African American to receive a degree in dentistry.
On February 7:
Feb. 7, 1926 – Negro History Week originated by Carter G. Woodson is observed for the first time.
On February 8:
Feb. 8, 1944 – Harry S. McAlphin, first African American to be accredited to attend the White House press conference.
Feb. 8, 1986 – Oprah Winfrey becomes the first African American woman to host a nationally syndicated talk show.
This Sunday, February 4, we celebrate our scouting ministry in worship and hospitality. Four years after founding First English Lutheran Church, church members organized and chartered Boy Scout Troop 28 (1940). Cub Scout Pack 28 was chartered in 1951. Since the 1990’s the Pack & Troop have gone through different iterations. Boy Scouts of America is now “Scouts BSA”. Elementary age girls may now join Cub Scouts, and Scouts BSA is chartering Scout Troops for older girls.
Come worship together, onsite and online, and welcome our scouts and share in the endeavors and commitments of this ministry. We are grateful to FELC Scout Representative Charlie Boas for his leadership. See you in church!
Worship at 10:00 AM, Potluck at 11:30 AM, Annual Meeting at Noon
The congregation council has set the annual congregation meeting of First English Evangelical Lutheran Church for Sunday, January 28, 2024.
We will gather for worship at 10 am, followed by a hospitality time in which we will enjoy a potluck luncheon in the fellowship hall. Please bring a dish to share if you are able.
At noon we will convene the annual meeting, both in the fellowship hall and via a special Zoom link.
Please click here to view the 2024 Annual Meeting Packet.
Zoom Info:
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Passcode: 365450
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Please review the 2024 Annual Meeting Packet in order that you have an opportunity to review the written reports of the various ministry teams and committees within your church. Oral reports will be delivered at the meeting but we are not anticipating printing a hard copy of the reports for each attendee.