At the meeting of the church council on February 17, 2025, newly elected council members Elijah Aguirre, Betsy Appleton, Paul Barlow, and Lillian Martinez-Rodriguez were welcomed. Thanks were given for those who rotated off council including Anne Wiebe, Nancy Neuse, and JD Aguirre. The recently created orientation packet for new council members was briefly discussed with all members of the council.
Officers were elected. LaRu Woody, Leigh Northcutt-Benson and Nancy Baden were all re-elected as President, Vice-President and Secretary respectively. Team leaders were approved including Trish Karli for Worship Ministry and Betsy Appleton and Leigh Northcutt-Benson as co-leaders of Learning Ministry. Gwen Flory was approved as Financial Secretary and Allen Jensen was approved as Treasurer.
Fastnacht was confirmed for March 4 with pancakes to be served at 6 PM and talent show beginning at 7 PM. Leigh Northcutt-Benson offered to serve as MC this year.
Council meetings were moved to the 4th Monday of each month to accommodate council members’ schedules.
The Child Development Center is hoping to provide for additional infant care and will convert the CDC office for that purpose. The church council voted unanimously to allow the CDC Director to temporarily operate out of the Vicar’s office since it is unoccupied at this time.
After considerable discussion, the Council voted unanimously to end the agreement of shared space with the Seventh Day Adventists. They have been given 6 months to locate other space.Â
To address needed improvements in the area of technology (i.e. connectivity, streaming, the sound system), a Technology Upgrade First English (TUF) Single Point of Contact (SPOC) position was created. Charlie Boas agreed to serve as our TUF SPOC and was unanimously approved by the council.
The next meeting of the FELC Council will be Monday, March 24, 2025.