Council Highlights | January 2025

Church Council met on Monday, January 6, 2025. Members heard of the CDC’s increase in enrollment.  Plans to expand infant care are underway since the need is robust. Further enrollment is needed. 

Joe Cain will explain the draft budget during Adult Forum this Sunday, January 12, at 9 am. 

Our Call Committee continues their dedicated work of discernment regarding our next Pastor.  Interviews continue.

Charlie Boas explained that the heating system has a broken belt.  Terry Porter ensured that parts have been ordered.

Council members engaged in a review of priorities that were set as a part of Council training conducted by Claudia Barlow several months ago.  Progress related to those priorities include an organizational chart of our many ministries that are the work of our church.  Lay leadership has been expanded and affirmed.  Work is ongoing in these areas. A new council member orientation packet has been created to prepare incoming council members for serving.

Openings are available for Faith Formation leadership roles in the Adult and Children’s programs. 

The Nominating Committee shared names of 6 persons willing to fill 4 available spots on Council.  The vote will be at the Annual Meeting/potluck on January 26 at noon. 

Council members discussed the need for improving the technology responsible for connectivity and streaming services in our building.  The need to hire a consultant was discussed as was the need for a point person from our congregation to communicate with that consultant.

The council will meet again on February 17.