Council Meeting Highlights | August 2024

The FELC council met Monday, August 19, at 7 pm.

Kristin Mondy offered our opening devotion.

The annual budget and spending plan process began with the council considering how our mission is reflected in our budget. The budget is a document about our values as a congregation. We spent some time brainstorming about new or necessary spending for the future. We discussed, among other things, increased funding for community engagement and service projects, the need to support our aging infrastructure, including necessary repairs to the pipe organ, and the eventual need to replace the main HVAC system. We discussed the need to replace some of the livestream equipment to continue our outreach ministry of worship and music. Team and committee leaders are encouraged to share their recommendations with the Finance Committee who will begin meeting in September.

Anne Wiebe shared plans that she and Paul Barlow are preparing for the ELCA Churchwide initiative God’s Work. Our Hands. on Sunday, September 8. FELC will be working with Casa Marinella on both indoor and outdoor projects designed to support Austin’s immigrant community.

We heard a report that the guests from Interfaith Action of Central Texas (iACT) enjoyed their visit at FELC on August 11 and were grateful for the warm welcome that they received. 

The council received reports from the Ministry Teams. The next council meeting will be Monday, September 16.

Submitted by LaRu Woody