From the Pastor: Theology of Generosity

What Does It Mean for Your Faith?

This past Sunday we met for our monthly Sunday Symposium. The topic was Theology of Generosity. We had a thoughtful, engaging conversation about how we understand God as generous toward us in creation and in Christ. We shared how meaningful it is when others have been unexpectedly generous toward us, and how profound a gift it is to be able to be generous toward others.

Near the end of the conversation we discussed how the church can be a place where we learn and model generosity for each other. Who inspires you to be generous? Who have you inspired? How can we continue to build a culture of generosity in our congregation and celebrate our faith in a God who is excessively generous toward us and all people?

I hope you will ponder these questions and how your faith is meaningfully lived out through generosity. We all agreed on Sunday that generosity is about more than what we give financially. It’s about our time, our love, our forgiveness, our offering of our whole selves to others.

If you’d like to review the slides from the presentation you can find them here. At the end we viewed a powerful video about how generosity benefits our lives. You can view that video here.

Grace and peace.

–Pastor Michael Coffey